What is SEC Form 13F?
Institutional investment managers having equity assets under management of $100 million or more must use SEC Form 13F, pursuant to Section 13(f) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, to disclose information about themselves as well as their recent investment holdings. Also known as the Information Required of Institutional Investment Managers Form, this report must be filed with the SEC within 45 days of the end of each quarter.
An entity that invests in, or buys and sells, securities for its own account as well as a natural person or an entity that exercises investment discretion over the account of any other natural person or entity constitutes an institutional investment manager. Registered Investment Advisers (RIAs), insurance companies, pension funds, hedge funds, mutual funds, banks and trust companies are all types of institutional investment managers.
Form 13F must include the issuer name of all Section 13(f) securities as well as the class of security listed, number of shares owned and the fair market value of the securities listed as of the end of the calendar quarter during which the report is filed. Section 13(f) securities may include equity securities that trade on an exchange (e.g., NYSE, AMEX, NASDAQ), shares of closed-end investment companies, shares of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and certain convertible debt securities.
SEC Form 13F contains two parts, Form 13F and Information Table, that must be filed in XML. These filings provide key data points by which to gauge investment management exposures, performance attribution and associated risks. These filings are filed on the EDGAR computer system for the receipt, acceptance, review and dissemination of documents submitted in electronic format to the SEC, and subsequently made public on the SEC’s website. For support and additional information, explore our SEC reporting solutions.