5 tips to reduce frustration with your ANOC & EOC’s

3 minute read
5 tips to reduce frustration with your ANOC and EOC's


There are so many products and solutions to choose from when it comes to increasing workflow efficiencies for your mandated communications and cutting through the clutter can be a challenge. We've put together 5 tips that can help you identify features of a solution that will ensure your success.  

There are so many products and solutions to choose from when it comes to increasing workflow efficiencies for your mandated communications and cutting through the clutter can be a challenge. We’ve put together 5 tips that can help you identify features of a solution that will ensure your success.

Whether your looking to outsource your entire process to create, manage, produce, and distribute your Annual Notice of Change (ANOC) and Evidence of Coverage (EOC) or just pieces of it, adopting these best practices will help you reduce the risks and pressures of missed deadlines and errors.

TIP 1: Utilize external Medicare communication xxperts

A constant in Medicare communications is change. It is important when looking at ANOC and EOC solutions to find a partner who’s technology is complimented by their on-staff health insurance and compliance experts. Find a partner who has internal experts that analyze, document, consult and explain model changes as well as plan documents. These experts should be an extension of your team – understanding the industry, your plans and regulations thus leaving your internal teams time to focus on engaging your members. This also reduces over-reliance on key personnel and becomes a constant year-over-year.

TIP 2: Content repository is a must

Creating a content repository eliminates the need to start over every year. The content repository should include CMS standardized model documents, plan designs and benefits as well as your business rules. Automation technology can then pull these content repositories together and create and output your documents. This also allows you to make updates anytime throughout the year. More importantly, having a repository removes the need to engage internal IT resources to make model document changes, especially with any last minute CMS memo changes.

TIP 3: Automate, automate, automate

A state-of-the-art automated solution for mandated communications should be able to automate the composition of your documents by utilizing text and data from your content repository and HPMS database along with complex, data-driven templates to output complete, compliant documents. This automation reduces the risk of errors and provides the ability to generate accurate documents weeks sooner than legacy manual systems.

TIP 4: Integrating 508 compliance is key

Choosing a solution that has 508 compliance built into the workflow gives you a single-source solution without having to send through yet another process possibly jeopardizing your time to market. It also saves you money by automating the process and not having to start from scratch for every document. In a robust ANOC and EOC solution, documents that are output from the system should be fully compliant with Section 508 and 1557 so they can be accessed by all your members.

TIP 5: Simplify your proofing 

Document proofing and approval tools reduce the email volleyballs and creates transparency throughout your proofing process. Choose a tool that allows multiple reviewers to markup and comment directly onto a document simultaneously utilizing intuitive annotation and comment tools. This will allow you to combine and see the annotations without having to go through each word document from each reviewer, or search through emails to find the most up to date changes and versions. This reducing the risk of missed changes and provides audit-ready reporting.

There are many more ways to leverage technology to create efficiencies and engage your members going into the next AEP season. It’s important that you don’t wait to make the changes. Making the changes now will reduce additional pressures during your pre-marketing activities. Click here to see how we can take the burden off your teams this coming season!

How Toppan Merrill can help

Toppan Merrill offers several services, including document creation and management, sales enablement, omnichannel communications, printing services, and more. We deliver best-in-class solutions that help you respond quickly to changes in regulations, client needs and markets.

Learn more about how we can help you with mission-critical content by visiting our website.


Toppan Merrill

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