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Thursday Sep 14
1 pm - 2 pm EDT

Webinar Replay: 2023 proxy lessons from investors and how companies are preparing for 2024

Overview Learn how your company can elevate design to better communicate your organization’s message to investors. Watch this previously recorded panel to hear experts discuss trends they identified from the 2023 proxy season, including what institutional investors had to say, how they voted, changes in company ESG reporting and how companies prepared for 2024. What...
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Wednesday Jun 14
1 pm - 2 pm EDT

Webinar Replay: Trends in unifying design, content and messaging: proxy, annual report & ESG

Overview With the increased focus on company environmental, social and governance (ESG) disclosures from the market and SEC, companies are working to ensure they present consistency in design and content across their SEC filed disclosures and non-filed ESG / Sustainability reports. Watch our previously recorded expert panel explore insights and trends in unifying design, content...
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