- Access the EDGAR Filing Website (https://www.edgarfiling.sec.gov/)
- Enter a valid CIK and Password

- Click Login to EDGAR
- Click the ‘Draft Reg. Statement’ link on the EDGAR menu (left navigation area on the EDGAR home page)

- Click the ‘Disseminate Draft Registration Statement link on the Draft Registration Statements page

- Enter your CIK and CCC.

- Click Continue. The Disseminate Draft Registration Statement page displays a list of previously accepted draft registration statements and amendments for the CIK entered by the filer, which are yet to be disseminated. The page also displays the Accession Number, File Number, and the Received Date for each draft registration statement or amendment.

- Select the checkbox corresponding to each DRS or DRS/A submission that you want to disseminate
- Click Disseminate
- Click Exit to cancel the request. A Warning/Confirmation screen prompts you for confirmation.
- Click Disseminate
- Click Cancel to return to the Disseminate Draft Registration Statement page. EDGAR then disseminates the primary official document (in HTML or ASCII format) along with any Exhibits or graphic files.