Resetting EDGAR Codes in the Filer Management Dashboard

Prior to EDGAR Next enrollment

Prior to EDGAR Next enrollment, to reset EDGAR codes (Password, CCC, and/or Passphrase), the EDGAR system will email a token to the email address listed in the EDGAR profile.

  • If you do not know what email address is listed as the EDGAR contact, then request an EDGAR profile from your service team
  • If you do not know if your CCC is valid, then ask your service team

Expand the section below based on your scenario

  1. Request an EDGAR profile from your service team
    • Send any necessary updates to your service team
  2. Once the email address is valid

Reset Password and CCC – Prior to enrollment

Prerequisite – You must have credentials (click here for instructions) and the email address in the EDGAR profile must be valid.

  1. Request an EDGAR profile from your service team if you are unsure what email address is listed as the EDGAR Contact
    1. Send any necessary updates to your service team
  2. Go to the Filer Management website
  3. Click Sign in with LOGIN.GOV
  4. Enter credentials
  5. Click Sign In
  6. Click Request a password and CCC reset token in the footer of the Filer Management dashboard (bottom right)
  1. Enter CIK and Reason (e.g., lost)
  2. Retrieve token from email address listed on EDGAR Profile
  3. Click Reset password and CCC in the footer of the Filer Management dashboard (bottom right)
  1. Enter CIK, Token (from email)
    • Enter new Password and confirm
      • Note: Your password must be 12 characters long and must contain at least one digit and one of the following characters: @, #, *, or $.
    • Enter new CCC and confirm
      • Note: Your CCC must be 8 characters long and must contain at least one digit and one of the following characters: @, #, *, or $.

Reset Passphrase

Prerequisite – You must have a valid CCC (see Reset Password and CCC instructions), credentials (click here for instructions) and the email address in the EDGAR profile must be valid.

  1. Request an EDGAR profile from your service team if you are unsure what email address is listed as the EDGAR Contact
    1. Send any necessary updates to your service team
  2. Go to the Filer Management website
  3. Click Sign in with LOGIN.GOV
  4. Enter credentials
  5. Click Sign In
  6. Click Enroll in EDGAR Next
  7. Click Passphrase Reset button
  1. Click Request a passphrase reset token
  2. Enter CIK and Reason (e.g., lost)
  3. Click Request Token
  4. Retrieve passphrase token from email address listed on EDGAR Profile
  5. Click Passphrase Reset button
  1. Click Reset Passphrase
  1. Enter CIK, Token (from email)
    • Enter new Passphrase and confirm
      1. Note: Your Passphrase must be 8 characters long and must contain at least one digit and one of the following characters: @, #, *, or $.
  1. Click Reset Passphrase

Apply for EDGAR Access – Existing EDGAR Account

Filers that have a CIK but have lost or do not have access (e.g., email address listed in the EDGAR profile is not valid and/or the legal successor has not been added as an administrator) must apply for EDGAR access.

Prerequisite – You must have credentials (click here for instructions).

  1. Go to the Filer Management website
  2. Click Sign in with LOGIN.GOV
  3. Enter credentials
  4. Click Sign In
  5. Click Apply for EDGAR Access
  6. Select the Existing EDGAR account radio button
  1. Enter the existing CIK
  2. Select the Filer lost electronic access to its existing CIK account radio button
  3. Click Continue
  4. Complete the application
  5. See the SEC’s instructions for more details. See also our Form ID instructions for detailed steps

Change CCC and/or Password – After Enrollment

Prerequisite – You must have credentials (click here for instructions) and you must be an Account Administrator for the CIK.

  1. Go to the Filer Management website
  2. Click Sign in with LOGIN.GOV
  3. Enter credentials
  4. Click Sign In
  5. Click My Accounts
  6. Click on the Filer Name
  7. Click Manage CCC & Password
  8. Click Generate CCC
  9. Note the updated CCC in the pop-up window
  10. Select a new filer in the Account, CIK drop-down and repeat steps 8-9 as needed for each filer
  1. Go to the Filer Management website
  2. Click Sign in with LOGIN.GOV
  3. Enter credentials
  4. Click Sign In
  5. Click My Accounts
  6. Click on the Filer Name
  7. Click Manage CCC & Password
  8. Enter a custom CCC in the Enter new CCC field and repeat the CCC in the Re-enter new CCC field
  9. Click Create Custom CCC
    • CCC must be 8 characters long, and must contain at least one letter (A-Z or a-z), one number (0-9) and one special character (@,#,$,*)
  10. Select a new filer in the Account, CIK drop-down and repeat steps 8-9 as needed for each filer
  1. Go to the Filer Management website
  2. Click Sign in with LOGIN.GOV
  3. Enter credentials
  4. Click Sign In
  5. Click My Accounts
  6. Click on the Filer Name
  7. Click Manage CCC & Password
  8. Enter a new password in the Enter new password field and repeat the password in the Re-enter new password field
    • Password must be 12 characters long, and must contain at least one letter (A-Z or a-z), one number (0-9) and one special character (@,#,$,*)
  9. Click Set New Password
  10. Select a new filer in the Account, CIK drop-down and repeat steps 8-9 as needed for each filer